Month: July 2017

Juvenile defense options for boys linked to vehicle crimes

When youths are suspected of committing crimes, they may face an uncertain future. Issues concerning juvenile offenses can be complicated, and the potential consequences may cause more damage than intended. Juvenile court adjudications, especially for felony counts, may destroy a young person’s chances…

4 ways a DUI impacts everyday life

Drinking and driving is a serious offense if a person ends up with a conviction. A first offense could lead to up to 180 days in jail and up to a $2,000 fine. However, these penalties are not the only negative outcomes.  People arrested for…

Texas City commissioner facing charges related to alleged DUI/DWI

It is never a wise decision for a driver to get behind the wheel after having a few drinks. In Texas, the penalty for DUI/DWI can range from losing a license and fines to time in jail. The consequences are more dire when a…

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