Category: DUI/DWI

Not fighting a DWI now could result in harsher penalties later on

Red and blue lights in the rear view mirror and the sound of sirens is enough to unnerve any Sugar Land resident. Those who had a drink or two before driving may find themselves hoping for a speeding ticket instead of ending up…

Car vs. ambulance crash may lead to DWI charges for driver

Emergency vehicles here in Sugar Land and elsewhere may break certain traffic laws as long as it is deemed safe. Since drivers ordinarily anticipate the flow of traffic to follow the rules, emergency vehicles use their lights and sirens to warn them of…

Sobriety misconceptions that could lead to a DWI arrest

Most Sugar Land residents have heard all kinds of theories about how to stay sober while drinking. The problem is that most of them do not affect a person’s blood alcohol concentration. Following these sobriety misconceptions could lead to a DWI arrest. For example,…

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