Category: Juvenile Defense

Juvenile defense information likely needed after minor’s arrest

Juveniles are often known for making unwise decisions. In many cases, the choices they make could be chalked up to lack of life experience or simply not having the right information for handling a particular situation well. Unfortunately, if a young person breaks…

Juvenile defense can help turn a life around

Anyone who has raised children knows that teenagers can be prone to getting into trouble. When one’s child gets into trouble with the law in Texas it can feel like one’s world is crumbling, and it can be difficult to know in what…

Social media bullying can end in a need for juvenile defense

Social media has become a weapon of the 21st century. It can be particularly lethal when used by teenagers against teenagers. The days of schoolyard bullying seem almost quaint by comparison to today’s online rants that can pursue a child not just in…

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