The Love DuCote Law Firm LLC Legal Blog

Juvenile defense can help turn a life around

Anyone who has raised children knows that teenagers can be prone to getting into trouble. When one’s child gets into trouble with the law in Texas it can feel like one’s world is crumbling, and it can be difficult to know in what direction to turn. A conversation with a juvenile defense attorney is a good place to start.

In a recent case near Austin, some teenagers were arrested after people in the neighborhood reported suspicious activity. The neighbors claimed that there was a car moving slowly through the area and people on foot trying car doors in a nearby lot. When officers arrived, they detained five juveniles and located an SUV they had apparently been riding in. The youths were between the ages of 11 and 15 and the SUV was found to have been stolen.

Upon inspection of the vehicle, officers reported finding items in the SUV that they had reason to believe had been stolen. In addition, an undisclosed amount of a substance, believed to be black tar heroin, was also found in the vehicle. The juveniles who were apprehended were charged with theft, burglary of a vehicle and evading arrest. At last report they were being held at Hays County Juvenile Detention Center.

When young people get in trouble with the law in Texas it can leave a family feeling lost and helpless. An attorney who is experienced in handling juvenile defense cases can inform the youths of their rights and help to see that those rights are protected. A lawyer can help to navigate the juvenile criminal justice system and advise the family regarding the legal options that are available.

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