Juveniles are often known for making unwise decisions. In many cases, the choices they make could be chalked up to lack of life experience or simply not having the right information for handling a particular situation well. Unfortunately, if a young person breaks the law, he or she may need information on juvenile defense because criminal charges could result.
It was recently reported that a juvenile in Texas had been taken into custody. Apparently, the individual, whose exact age was not given in the report, was among a group of other minors at a movie theater. The group was reportedly being rambunctious, and due to being disruptive, management asked the security guard to tell the group to leave. One juvenile got into an altercation with the security guard, who is an officer with the local police department.
During the altercation, the officer was forced to the ground, and the juvenile allegedly broke the man’s arm. The young person then left the scene. Authorities later took the juvenile into custody and have charged the person with aggravated assault of a public servant and evading detention.
Though the accused person is not yet an adult, the repercussions of these criminal charges can have lasting impacts if he or she is convicted. It is likely that the parent’s of the accused minor will want to gain information on juvenile defense and possible ways to handle the case. Utilizing local Texas legal resources may be a way for them to obtain reliable knowledge about what the legal process could entail.