When youths are suspected of committing crimes, they may face an uncertain future. Issues concerning juvenile offenses can be complicated, and the potential consequences may cause more damage than intended. Juvenile court adjudications, especially for felony counts, may destroy a young person’s chances for a positive and productive future, making a solid juvenile defense important. In some instances, based upon the seriousness of the accusations, juveniles can be required to stand trial in adult court.
For example, four Texas teens are facing multiple charges for their alleged involvement in a string of vehicle thefts. Police received a call about a stolen pickup truck and trailer. Although they located the trailer, the truck was not tracked down until the next day when police found it nearly submerged in mud. After pulling the truck free with a bulldozer, officers deemed the vehicle a total loss.
Soon afterward, police learned of another stolen truck and began pursuit. During the chase, the truck crashed, and officers say the four teens inside – one as young as 14 – suffered some injuries. Texas police feel certain the four boys are connected to the previous vehicle thefts in multiple counties. While one was already on probation, another is suspected to be involved in numerous other incidents of breaking and entering vehicles. The teen with the most serious injury will face several felony charges after he is released from the hospital.
These four young men have a great deal at stake. The charges they face may carry stiff penalties, even at the youth level. Juvenile defense attorneys in cases like these may be able to negotiate with prosecutors for ways to limit the negative consequences on the young person’s life. Speaking with an attorney who has successful experience with the juvenile justice system may provide a parent with guidance.
Source: chron.com, “Splendora teens reportedly linked to rash of crimes“, Vanesa Brashier, July 21, 2017