Category: Divorce

Texas spouses often cite these reasons for divorce

When a married couple decides to divorce, any number of reasons may have led to their decision. Infidelity or some other game-changer event often causes an irreparable breakdown in a marriage. Others say there was no identifiable, single issue that caused them to…

Dealing with financial distress after divorce

Most Texas residents would agree that life can be described as a series of ever-changing events. Some change is gradual and expected, such as aging. Other changes, however, occur abruptly or unexpectedly, such as job loss or divorce. When a marriage breaks up,…

Issues that older people often consider in divorce

In recent years, many people ages 50 and beyond have determined their marriages are no longer sustainable. The divorce rate in this particular age group has significantly increased in the past two decades. Spouses who are married 20 or more years may want…

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