The Love DuCote Law Firm LLC Legal Blog

Parallel parenting is a child custody option

In a perfect world, every Texas parent who files for divorce would be able to achieve a fair and agreeable settlement that includes a co-parenting plan that can be carried out without any problems. In reality, parents often encounter challenges, not only during child custody proceedings but in the months or years after a divorce is finalized. It is understandable that a parent might feel frustrated and concerned when a co-parent is uncooperative or disregards an existing court order.

There are certain “givens” when it comes to co-parenting after divorce. For instance, the parents must interact, at least insofar as communicating and corresponding about their children. If the relationship between parents is contentious, this can prove challenging. Parallel parenting is an option in many cases.

Parallel parenting differs from co-parenting in several ways. This plan recognizes parents’ need to communicate with each other regarding their children. However, it enables those who can’t seem to work as a team to do so from a distance and with certain boundaries in place. This might include agreeing to only correspond in writing through text messages or email rather than try to address child-related issues in person when there is a likelihood that an argument will occur.

A Texas parent might decide to return to court if he or she is not able to resolve a particular legal issue with a co-parent. Especially in cases where an ex is willfully violating a court order, it is helpful to ask an experienced family law attorney to advocate on one’s behalf. This is the easiest way to avoid confrontation and emotional outbursts in court, and it is also the best way to ensure that parental rights and children’s best interests are protected.

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