The Love DuCote Law Firm LLC Legal Blog

Empowering Adolescents: Building a Brighter Future with Juvenile Defense

Adolescence in Texas can be a difficult time in a young person’s life. It’s a time when children start pulling away from their parents and start trying to figure out who they are as individuals. It’s a time for exploration that often involves risk taking and not particularly good decisions. The outcome of these decisions can lead to a need for a juvenile defense.

One such instance occurred very early one morning in Williamson County. A 12-year-old boy and a couple of friends decided to take a ride in his mother’s car at about midnight. They led the sheriff on a chase that reached speeds of up to 65 mph. The chase lasted about two minutes.

The 12-year-old boy who was driving the car was arrested and taken to Williamson County Juvenile Detention Center where he is facing charges of evading arrest. No one was injured in the incident, and the driver is the only one who is being charged. He reportedly has a history with the juvenile detention system.

Adolescents can make foolish decisions that can get them in to trouble with the law. These indiscretions need not threaten a teen’s future in Texas. Addressing the cause of the issue that led to the illegal act can improve a teen’s chances of becoming a successful adult. Taking the right steps may prevent it from having an impact on college admissions or other future endeavors. There are many options available for parents to address the situation, including juvenile defense attorneys who are well-versed in the options available to young people facing legal challenges.

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