The Love DuCote Law Firm LLC Legal Blog

How common are DUI charges in the United States?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the rate of DUIs in the United States is on the decline. Despite this decrease, DUI charges are still a focus for law enforcement across Texas and the country. Here are a few statistics regarding the prevalence of drunk driving and related charges in the United States.

The NHTSA notes that nationwide, 1.58 percent of drivers have had a DUI in the past seven years. Some states have a significantly higher rate; however, Texas is largely at or lower than this average. According to statistics, Dallas is the only city in the state with a higher rate of DUIs than the national average with 1.62 percent of drivers having a DUI in the last seven years.

DUI rates in major cities across the country tended to stay below the average. Mid-sized cities, on the other hand, saw a higher incidence of DUI charges. Researchers have identified multiple possible reasons this may be the case, such as access to alternative transportation and increased awareness initiatives in more populous areas. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), alcohol is the cause of over 25 percent of all fatal vehicle accidents. This equates to 29 fatalities per day nationwide. From a legal perspective, Texas drivers who are charged with a DUI could face additional charges if a death or injury results from their driving. It is a good idea for people facing such charges so speak with legal counsel as soon as possible to understand their defense options.

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