Getting a divorce can often take a long time, and many people seek ways to shorten the process. This is sometimes possible with mediation, but other time contentious issues like rights to possession of a child require added attention. While it can be necessary for some Texas divorces to involve a judge or multiple rounds of disputes, it is important to remember that this process can lengthen the divorce process.
While some divorces are straightforward, the majority have an issue or two that require special attention. This could range from division of assets to rights to possession of a child to spousal support. Most couples try to go to mediation to solve these issues while others land in court. When the legal system gets involved, the wait to get in front of a judge can stall the finalized divorce.
While backlogs in the court system are partially to blame for multi-year divorce proceedings, inability to come to an agreement can be the real culprit. Sometimes this is a necessary inconvenience, as both parties should naturally want to protect their interests and get what they deserve. However, when emotions get involved and people become unwilling to negotiate, complexities can increase a great deal.
In the end, there are really two things a person needs to finalize a divorce: an agreement and paperwork. Getting that agreement is often what causes breakups to drag on over months or even years, but it is understandable that certain issues like rights to possession of a child would require added attention. Those looking to understand the divorce process and learn what they are legally entitled to should contact a Texas lawyer. Even those who go to mediation should consult with a lawyer to understand what they are entitled to before finalizing an agreement.