The Love DuCote Law Firm LLC Legal Blog

Splitting assets such as retirement accounts can get dicey

Staying married to the same person long term sometimes is impossible due to irreconcilable differences. However, getting through a divorce can sometimes feel like an impossible feat at the start as well. A couple of tips may help individuals in Texas who are dealing with divorce issues, such as the division of money in retirement accounts, to navigate the process effectively.

First, getting organized from the start is critical. This include finding all retirement statements as well as brokerage statements and pay stubs from checking accounts. Other important documents to gather include tax returns and mortgage statements.

The next most-important step is to ready the troops. This essentially means choosing an attorney who has experience with going to trial as needed to fight for the client’s best interests. Other important members of a spouse’s divorce team include a certified divorce financial analyst and an account, who can help with sorting out the client’s finances.

Trying to figure out how to divide finances can be tricky, as two spouses may have very different ideas about who should keep certain assets. Aside from diving retirement accounts, the couple may have to determine who should keep certain motor vehicles and even the family home — likely their biggest and most valuable asset. If they cannot reach a divorce settlement agreement outside of court, they will have to depend on a judge to make these critical financial decisions for them. A qualified attorney in Texas can provide the guidance needed to achieve the most personally favorable outcome possible given the unique circumstances surrounding the divorce case.

Source:, “Getting a divorce? Do these 3 things first“, Alison Morris, Jan. 24, 2018

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