Twenty people were recently taken into custody as part of a police crackdown on drugs in Central Texas. Police say that the drug ring targeted had ties to another state as well. Those in the Lone Star State who face federal charges for drug crimes fortunately have the right to defend themselves aggressively against the accusations in the criminal court system.
According to authorities, the 20 individuals were affiliated with a methamphetamine and cocaine ring. They were indicted in November on a conspiracy charge related to drugs. Several of these individuals additionally face money laundering conspiracy charges.
The individuals who were arrested are from several cities around Texas, including Austin and Temple. Police reported that some of the drugs, however, ended up being sold in North Carolina. A drug conspiracy conviction could lead to life behind prison bars, whereas a conviction for money laundering may lead to as many as two decades in prison for those involved.
Criminal charges related to drug crimes have to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt before any conviction can occur, whether at the state or federal court level in Texas. This standard is in place to protect innocent individuals from facing punishment for crimes they did not commit. A criminal defense attorney will scrutinize the evidence that prosecutors intend to provide at trial to identify legal and factual issues to address in court. The attorney’s ultimate aim is to protect the client’s rights and pursue the most favorable outcome for him or her given the circumstances.
Source:, “Twenty arrested in crackdown on Central Texas drug ring”, Dec. 18, 2017